Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jazz Up Your Blogspot: Welcome Home!

You have a blog. It should be about you. It should be more than one of twelve templates with dots or without. You need more than a banner image to distinguish your blog as your own.

Luckily, Blogspot is powerful. You have more options than they give you. Some of the best sites in the world are based around blogger. It took me over a year of running blogs to figure out what is possible, and how limited of a palette they start you with.

This site is here to inspire you and help you to make your blog your own. Take control of this space, this spot, that is yours in the world. Your blog is your space, even more so than your MySpace. It is your home online. You shouldn't have to search the internet to find complicated code to redecorate it.

I will use what I have learned over years of blogging to make it easier than you might imagine to have your perfect blog. Take a look through your options. Imagine the simple joy of creating your own original place without ever touching code. Imagine having a web designer build your site for as low as $1 per option. I will make everything easier than you might imagine.

I will offer total transparency in how everything works. If you want to take the code on this website and add it yourself for free, you are welcome to it. Enjoy.

But if you want everything to be easy--if you want to just have it done for you--I will take the time to put it together myself, and give you a detailed description of what I have done for a shockingly low price you won't get anywhere else online.

Let me help you make your blog perfectly yours. Let me help you jazz up your blogspot.

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